Are first-years welcome on DePauw's campus?

Although you can tell the first-years around campus by the obvious lanyards, you can also tell by their willingness to make new friends with...

Censorship hides, but it does not eliminate

"The Great Gatsby." "The Catcher in the Rye." "Where the Wild Things Are." "To Kill a Mockingbird." These books have been institutionalized as American...

Apple iOS 7 just one step in the right direction

At the risk of sounding like an Apple "fanboy", I shall begin my review by first disclosing my bias. As a kid, I grew up...

U.S. must make humanitarian mission in Syria a priority

After two long years of brutal civil war, it appeared that the world's inaction over the Syrian conflict had finally broken. The killing of hundreds...


What did you think about the new tailgating setup? How can it be improved?


Students offer suggestions about how to improve Greek Week. 

DePauw Greek Week: Unifying or divisive?

You might have noticed students around campus this week clad in greek letters eating Marvin's at nauseating speeds, running across Bowman Park with eggs...

Be careful freshmen, it can happen to any of us

Many of you may remember my article from a week and a half ago in which I discussed being careful with your drinking. I told...

A follow-up to DePauw men can't woo: Women can't either

Last spring, in an attempt to shed some light on the dating culture at DePauw, I wrote a piece, "DePauw Men Can't Woo," and...

Hubbard Center experience a disappointment

When I came to DePauw, I was dead set on majoring in Political Science and going to law school. As such, I had no...