Bring back the Bell
In the past, I may have agreed with you, but watching the Cubs break their own Billy Goat Curse I can feel the sports Gods are changing their paradigms
Student's voting opinions
Ogieva Uwudia, first-year, not voting
“I am not voting this election because politics have never really been a big thing for me, and since most...
DePauw students celebrate Cubs victory
The Cubs stood out the entire season as one of the best teams in baseball
Puerto Rico: la isla del encanto
"I cannot understand how 3.5 million citizens that have American citizenship are not allowed to vote for their Commander in Chief by the same country that asks them to fight in their wars."
A Tale of Two Seeds: Monsanto and the Dicamba Wars
This wouldn’t be unusual if not for the fact that the use of dicamba on genetically modified crops is illegal in all 50 states.
Diversify your linguistics, discover new worlds
“A cappella”, “blitzkrieg”, “sofa”, “carpe diem”, “déjà vu”, “dolce vita”,
“zeitgeist”, “harem”, “tofu”, “savoir faire”, “pijama”…
As an American, you have probably heard these words...
Enough is Enough: Stop the Fire Alarms
This past Saturday, residents of Bishop Roberts suffered through their tenth false fire alarm this semester. While pulling a false fire alarm is a...
Coral Bias
"The Great Barrier Reef is under extreme stress which is crushing the life that it supports."
A Global Election
"Anyone studying abroad in Europe this semester has likely noticed that Europe's political climate looks a lot like the U.S.’s right now."
Letter to the Editor- President McCoy
Dear Editor,
I write to clarify my views on an item in the most recent issue of our school newspaper in an article that...