Photopinion: Little 5 edition

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Airport security must rethink procedures

Stewart's perspective: "Sir, you have been selected for additional screening." Just past the metal detector, a Transportation Security Administration agent was leading Jimmy off to the...

Find atypical jobs to help bring home the loot

I have never had a real job. Unlike like my brother and friends, I never was a cashier at Target or a pizza chef...


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Recommendations for future leaders

Come May 1, barring unforeseen circumstances, current juniors Charles Pierre and Nic Flores will be inaugurated as student body president and executive vice president,...

A complete, graded guide to study spots

A professor here once told me, "The purpose of college is to teach you the art of crisis management, and the BS that comes...

Lamentations of a music lover drowning in low-quality hits

While out and about a few weekends ago, I encountered a room of people with their heads tilted as far back as humanly possible,...


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Reflections of a past rider: 2010 women's champion recalls memories, lessons...

For most DePauw students, Little 5 is a time to wear goofy sunglasses and shorts, show DePauw spirit and celebrate the best weekend on...

College: Where nicknames die, or live forever

I remember someone calling my sister Molly Moo Cow when she was in third grade. She wasn't, and still isn't, covered in black spots....