The other kind of public safety

It takes courage and strength to confront an issue as threatening to the communities of rural Indiana as the production of methamphetamine, but someone...

Downsizing the discount

It's a story we've told a number of times. Annual tuition increases, student loan stress and the impact of the recession on our university...

Transplant made easy: a year with social media

Including the summers on either side, my junior year took me to two American coasts and at least eight other countries. While I pride myself...

Modeling a college paper after its students, community

At the end of my freshman year, I interviewed for a columnist position with The DePauw. I only planned on writing sporadically. But by...

Don't forget life in the dorms, class unity

It seems like just yesterday that we were the young, wide-eyed newbies exploring our newly acquired freedoms and using the campus as our playground...

Remembering the 'student' experience

"History doesn't repeat itself," Mark Twain reportedly said, "but it does rhyme." I find that quote particularly apt for the beginning of the new academic...

Keep energy for entire semester

There are some TV commercials I'll just never understand. Take any commercial for a dairy product: it's either small children giggling and cheering for ice...

Weighing the pros and cons of DePauw's new look

Hey DePauw, did you get a haircut or something? You look different. It seems President Brian Casey's DePauw 20/20 plan has indeed begun to change...

My summer vacation, and why I'm glad to be home

This summer, I spent three months under my parents' roof once again, nannying and finding ways to relax and amuse myself.     After a...