Major decisions: Selecting paths within DePauw's liberal-arts environment

The environment at DePauw offers a plethora of paths for every student, but every student must select a major to be listed on their...

Drag Queens Bring DePauw Together

Friday night, United DePauw hosted the annual Drag Ball in the Union Building Ballrooom to celebrate the LGBT community on campus and of course,...

Q&A: Getting to know DePauw's 2011 Walker Cup finalists

The DePauw: What have you been involved in on campus? David Dietz: Executive VP of Student Government; Co-Fonder of Building Tomorrow; President of College Democrats;...

Campus crime

March 12 • Criminal mischief to window • Pending | Time: 11:45 a.m. | Place: Delta Zeta sorority  • Investigate for odor of marijuana •Officer checked/unable...

Corrections and clarifications

In the article, "After months of work, Little 5 road route approved," which appeared in the March 11 issue, it said that the before 2006,...

Student government happenings

Click the image at the right to see in full size.

Students, faculty protest immigration reform bill

DePauw students and faculty not only oppose the plans for immigration reform laid out in Senate Bill 590 set for immigration reform, but avow...

Low attendance at Jesus Jams highlights trend for DePauw Christian Fellowship

As seven people sat scattered across Peeler auditorium Sunday watching YouTube videos of various Christian artists, senior Shannon Fayson wondered what she had done...

2011 Regional Science Fair hosts young, aspiring science students

Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m., a group of high school students walked down the third floor of Julian Science and Mathematics Center and paused...

Putnam county receives grant to boost local sustainability efforts

With the help of a little local generosity, Putnam County is raising the bar for community sustainability.  A 2011 Envision Grant from the Putnam County...