Christine Walker wins Walker Cup

Senior Christine Walker was announced as the Walker Cup recipient last night at the Academic Awards Convocation in Kresge Auditorium. Walker, the current student...

Pledge numbers jump at few greek chapters, others stabilize

By CHRISTINE DiGANGI Three greek chapters reported new member classes with at least four more members than their average pledge class size of the past...

Grant to digitize local records

The fragile newsprint and bulky microfilm on which Putnam County's history is printed will soon be readable without the legwork of old-fashioned library research. The...

Snapshot: In the name of art

ABOVE: Junior Kacey Hermening and senior Patrick McMullen perform the balcony scene from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." MIDDLE: Professors Ron Dye and Istvan Csicsery-Ronay...

Corrections and clarifications

In the editorial, "Students full-time but library isn't," which appeared in the April 19 issue, Samuel Weigley did not participate because he was out...

Order of Omega award winners

Order of Omega, a greek-system honor society, presented awards to chapters and individuals Wednesday night in Meharry Hall. The award recipients were selected by...

Latin American and Caribbean Studies: A new 'program without walls'

DePauw's Latin American and Caribbean studies program is now branching out to integrate a new framework that reaches beyond the classroom walls. Latin American and...

Campus crime

April 17: • Minors in posession of alcohol (non student) •Released to parents | Time: 12:39 p.m. | Place: Nature Park Drive •Driving while intoxicated •Arrested:...

May 1st deadline looms, Office of Admission in crunchtime

The deadline for prospective students to commit to DePauw is May 1 — ten days from today — and the admissions office is in...

Public Safety, DSG push for sexual-assault awareness

Senior Christine Walker expected an increase of emails when she took her role as student government president last year. But she didn't expect some...