DePauw Twitter world reacts

The DePauw tracked tweets from our Twitter account (@TheDePauw) from anyone we follow or tweets that were retweeted by our followers. @VillaNavarrete (sophomore Anthony Navarrete):...

News of Osama Bin Laden's death sweeps across campus

As fireworks pop across campus and students flock to TVs and social media, the world is swept off its feet by news of the...

Pulitzer winner lends advice to writers

"I don't really know how I come up with it . . . things just come to me, and I have fun with it." Author...

Snapshot: Leaky Hogate

ABOVE: Buckets collect water dripping from the ceiling in a staircase in Hogate Hall. A caution sign was posted on the entrance of the...

Putnam County Relay For Life nearly doubles pre-event fundraising

With one day left before Relay For Life begins, citizens of Putnam county and the DePauw community have raised more than half of their...

Up 'til Dawn exceeds fundraising goals, raises campus awareness

As guest speakers inspired attendees to continue working to support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital at Up ‘til Dawn's discussion Tuesday night, a giant...

Snapshot: Hip hop girls, more than video vixens

ABOVE: Jasmine Mans, a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, shares her poetry Thursday night at Alpha Phi Alpha's "Vertner's Lounge" hosted...

Campus crime

April 24 • Minor in consumption • Forwarded to prosecutor's office/forwarded to community standards committee | Time: 1:00 a.m. | Place: Coan Apartments • Investigate for...

Visiting professor addresses prison radicalization, terrorism

Mark Hamm, Professor of Criminology at Indiana State University, admits that his academic interest has narrowed significantly over the years. "I'm interested in people who...

Christine Walker wins Walker Cup

Senior Christine Walker was announced as the Walker Cup recipient last night at the Academic Awards Convocation in Kresge Auditorium. Walker, the current student...