TigerTracks receives big facelift

Over the summer TigerTracks made a database switch from Experience to Symplicity, and staff at the Hubbard Center for Career Services are hoping that...

New position: dean for experiential education

DePauw's Civic, Global and Professional Opportunities Development (CGPOPS) Department, in charge of coordinating everything from internships to study abroad programs to service opportunities, is...

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Major candidates run unopposed

Following Thursday's meeting on elections and campaigning, juniors Charles Pierre and Nic Flores were told they will run unopposed in this years elections. Because no...

Film highlights effects of hate crimes on Asian Americans

"Vincent Who?" was the question on people's minds as well as the name of the documentary shown on Tuesday night at the Peeler Auditorium. Director...

ESPN founder touts value of liberal arts

Dick Vitale, ESPN correspondent, introduced Bill Rasmussen '54 to a crowded Kresge Auditorium Thursday night via video call. "I thank him every day. He's given...

Faculty passes several motions at April meeting

Several motions were passed at the Monday faculty meeting including the addition of an actuarial science major, approval for two economics courses and revisions...

Faculty discuss search for VPAA, new courses in March meeting

 With 20 faculty members missing, attendance was low at the monthly faculty meeting on Monday. "Call a colleague?" Bridget Gourley, chair of faculty, quipped about...

Bottled water ban to be revisited

Student Senate announced at its meeting Sunday night that surveys will be circulated among the student body in order to evaluate the impacts of...

Ubben Lecturer Arne Duncan Highlights Importance of Education in Speech

Former U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, explains his successes and failures of his tenure during during the Ubben Lecture on Thursday...
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