Candidate for VP Academic Affairs Arrives on Campus
Joan Neff, one of four remaining candidates for the vice president of Academic Affairs position arrived on campus Tuesday. Neff is currently an associate provost,...
Faculty discuss search for VPAA, new courses in March meeting
With 20 faculty members missing, attendance was low at the monthly faculty meeting on Monday. "Call a colleague?" Bridget Gourley, chair of faculty, quipped about...
Katie Kraska, '13, Earns Fulbright Scholarship for Research in Indonesia
Senior Katie Kraska found out she won a Fulbright scholarship to research in Indonesia before DePauw's other eight finalists. Kraska, a biology and art history...
Ethics Bowl Team Wins Nationals
DePauw's Ethics Bowl team returned from San Antonio, Texas, as national champions after winning the 17th Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl Championship on Feb. 28. The...
Art competition raises issues through the lens of art
The second annual Art of Awareness Competition is currently taking place at the Union Building ballroom and winner will be announced Wednesday. The event, co-sponsored...
Computer Genius Aaron Swartz's Suicide Spurrs DePauw to Consider Open-Acess Policy
Professor Kelsey Kauffman has made efforts to educate DePauw faculty and staff about open-access policies for the past year. But it wasn't until internationally...
Mars Comes to DePauw
Director of the NASA Astrobiology LEAD Team, Lisa Pratt Johnson, spoke to a packed audience in Watson Forum on Tuesday about the possibility of...
Form 990 Reveals 11 Higest Salaries at DePauw in 2010
DePauw has released its 2010 Form 990, the only publicly available document of its kind that discloses information about an organization's finances. The form,...
Survey Shows Students Aren't Looking for Long-Term Community Service
The civic staff of the Center for Student Engagement took on the question of how involved DePauw students truthfully are in the community. The board...
Energy Games Meant to Get People Talking about Sustainabilty
For the seventh year in a row, students and faculty compete in DePauw University's three-week long sustainability effort, Energy Games. The Games, which originated as...