Media Fellows bring Buzzfeed feature writer this Wednesday
Ana helen petersen: PHOTO COURTESY OF DEPAUW UNIVERSITY Anne Helen Petersen, a news feature writer for Buzzfeed is coming...
Bon Appetit launches new sustainability initiative with 'Green to-go' boxes
DePauw University Dining is a hot topic on campus, and it’s not just due to the growing anticipation over Hoover Dining Hall....
DePauw Student Government drafts legislation to make birthday books more student-friendly
This semester, DePauw Student Government has been working on a piece of legislation regarding the birthday books at local stores. Upon enrollment at DePauw...
Panhellenic encourages diversity committees within DePauw chapters
After recent concerns about diversity on DePauw’s campus, specifically surrounding Greek life, Panhellenic has created a new position on their Executive Board entitled ‘Member...
Wabash Student Senate votes against resolution to admit transgender students
What defines a Wabash man? This is the question that students of Wabash College are now trying to answer. On Feb. 23, the...
Public Safety officer interactions: a breakdown
Everyone knows what Public Safety is, but not everyone knows what happens after someone experiences an interaction with a Public Safety officer for a...
Dean of School of Music Mark McCoy to become DePauw’s 20th...
President Mark McCoy laughs with Steve Setchell, Associate VP for Alumni Engagement and Campaign Initiatives, before a faculty meeting Monday. Before being...
Women’s Basketball falls short in first round of NCAA Tournament
The Tigers’ season came to an abrupt end on Friday night after a loss to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in the first round...
Blend looks to expand menu options next fall
Blend, the famous smoothie bar located on the first floor of the Lilly Center, is inching toward its first anniversary. Maggie Anderson ‘15 had...
DePauw to Host Women's Special Olympics This Weekend
DePauw will host its annual Special Olympics this upcoming weekend. The University has hosted this all-women’s basketball tournament with Special Olympics Indiana since 1971....