Artist Series brings PROJECT Trio to campus, concert aims to attract...

The School of Music is welcoming the musical group PROJECT Trio to campus as part of the Guest Artist Series. They will be performing...

DSG Senate initiatives off to a productive start

The DePauw Student Government Senate met Sunday and introduced new initiatives, including improving the often groaned-about course registration system. The Course Registration System Committee, created...

Greencastle man stabbed, killed by son blocks away from Hogate Hall

Tommie Badgley, 53, was pronounced dead at Putnam County Hospital Wednesday evening after he was allegedly stabbed in the upper chest by his son,...

AAAS hosts "Healthy is Sexy" initiative

Health concerns in the African-American community have become a national problem, according to the campus Association of African American Students (AAAS). Students at DePauw...

University abandons hard-liquor ban; begins search for new alternatives

Last year, many students at DePauw lived up to the university's "Top Party School Ranking." The result was at least 21 students transported to Putnam...

Professors connecting on social media

Facebook in recent years has been seen as a method of communication between friends and family. However, Facebook is taking on a new role...

The Delbert Tibbs' story: Life after death row

Delbert Tibbs stood on a stage and spoke slowly and deliberately about the time he spent five years as a death row inmate. "God sent...

Political Groups on campus share similar goals in informing, registering students

With the presidential election season under way, information concerning the candidates is on every corner. The College Democrats and Republicans on campus are working hard...

Student journalists re-establish chapter of national organization

Ten DePauw students were inducted into The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Saturday night in Meharry Hall. Ironically, the same numbner of student journalists...

VP Finance updates faculty about university's financial situation

DePauw's faculty received an update on the institution's financial state Monday night at the first all-faculty meeting of the year. In the update, Brad Kelsheimer,...