“Baby it’s Dark Outside”
Cheeky. That’s the best way I could describe the highly contentious Christmas song, “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” I always found the song to be...
Predation is not “romantic”
Yeah I’m going to be that person. It’s the time of the year again when we all must unfortunately endure a Christmas anthem that...
The Death Knell
The Internet is on its last legs.
In 2015, the Federal Communications Commission passed the Open Internet Order, which enacted strong, sustainable rules to protect...
Why the Petition is Against DePauw Values
DePauw’s campus has been buzzing after several students launched a petition to stop our Board of Trustees from donating money to political campaigns that...
To Educate is to Offend
The University of Delaware hosted vice president Joe Biden and Ohio governor John Kasich last month at a forum entitled “Bridging the Divides.” During...
Tests vs. Projects: Tests
I have taken many final exams and have also had to do final projects. Even though I do believe each of them have their...
Tests vs. Projects: Projects
It is 3 a.m. the morning of a test, and you are cramming every fact on your study guide that you don’t remember learning...
Tax Reform: Pro
The current element of the GOP agenda that the Republican-controlled Congress has been pushing for is a major overhaul in the tax code. This...
Tax reform: Con
The GOP is currently proposing a tax reform that would change the tax plan for the first time in 30 years. Even though this...
Some Thoughts for Us “Good Guys” at DePauw
Anyone reading the news or using social media has been inundated with stories of sexual assault, from high profile cases such as Harvey Weinstein...