Letter to the Editor: VP Hill settles with 'bare minimum' for students


DePauw University is a business. In exchange for the tens of thousands of dollars of tuition students pay every year, we are given an education, which is the product that this business is offering. However, in order to sell this product, it has to be presentable. Now, let’s be honest here, college campuses, in general, are NOT safe environments. Too many times have I heard stories of my friends fearing for their physical safety on DePauw’s campus. Sadly, I have also experienced the worst that this campus has to offer. What I’ve heard from my friends are only a very small percentage of everything that actually occurs on this campus, but how are you supposed to persuade people to attend DePauw if they knew the extent of what goes on here? Alan Hill’s solution is to do the bare minimum, and disregard the well-being of students for the sake of DePauw’s image.

I can say from my own experience that Alan Hill doesn’t have the best interests of the students in mind. In the fall semester, I had a major negative experience that impacted my life in ways I can’t even begin to describe. I fought for justice for myself, and after months of fighting, my last course of action was to write a letter of appeal. I received a confirmation from Mr. Hill that he would review it, and then I waited. After a month, I received a decision from him: nothing more would be done, I had lost. I understand Mr. Hill must have a lot on his plate, however, I cannot help but wonder, was this decision made with my best interest in mind, or the University’s?

I have seen this same type of behavior from Mr. Hill when one of my closest friends went to him. She is allowing me to share her story in order to further prove that Mr. Hill has not been competent. My friend has Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations that the University is legally obliged to give her. When the disability department did not meet these accommodations and broke the law, she went to Mr. Hill. It was not until my friend contacted the President that something was finally done. Not only that, their solution to give her accommodations was done with little consideration, demonstrating how the Vice President is only willing to do the bare minimum. Not only that, but Mr. Hill denies that the disability office even broke the law, further suggesting that he cares more about the face of the University.

Vice President Hill does not have the best interests of the students in mind. His top priority is making sure that DePauw University saves face, even at the costs of the students. The bare minimum is not enough, Vice President Hill. 

Roberts is a sophomore at DePauw. Opinions in letters to the editor do not reflect the views of The DePauw staff.