Editorial: New handbook policy change can save lives

On August 5, 2012, Brett Finbloom, a resident of Carmel, Indiana died of alcohol poisoning just weeks before he was supposed to leave for...

Why Society Can become Less Equalizing When Run on Christian Perspective

Now, I’d first like to address that I am not going to bash Christianity or convince anyone to alter their religious views, especially since...

Trump-Putin relations remain volatile

An opposing government using covert measures and secret agents to infiltrate the United States government seems like something straight out of “The Manchurian Candidate.”...

Editorial: Stay safe over break

After a rigorous beginning to the spring semester, it’s easy to see that a vast majority of DePauw students are ready for a break....

Don't throw away your shot

Now more than ever, our country finds itself in a precarious state. Taking a look back at the past two years shows us a...

Day of Dialogue should be mandatory

The Day of Dialogue’s purpose is to gather all of DePauw’s campus for conversation about complex issues occurring on and beyond the campus. The...

Letter to the Editor: Protecting against sexual assault is not only...

“What actions do you take, on a daily basis, to protect yourself against sexual assault?”   This question was posed to me recently, and I’m...

Editorial: Administration closes the blinds on student media

As Sunshine Week, a national initiative organized by the American Society of News Editors with the purpose of educating people on the importance of...

Sam Nunberg reflects Trump’s cruelty

Sam Nunberg obviously does not understand the concept of a federal subpoena; they are not suggestions. One does not simply get to choose to...

My intimacy matters too

“When was your first time?” Oh, you know, I had sex with a girl my freshman year of high school. “Wait, but like who did...