Visit the 2024-2025 Faculty Review webpage for more information about sharing your experience with the Review Committee about any faculty member in 2024-25. You can write to the Faculty Personnel Policy and Review Committee ( or mail your letter to Carol Cox, Academic Affairs, 133 Julian Science & Mathematics Center.

Correction from Eye On The World

The editorial board of Eye On The World would like to call to your attention a correction in the Fall 2011 issue. The article...

'The Vow:' Valentine's candy for the heart 'The Vow:' Valentine's candy...

The much-anticipated movie "The Vow" came out on Friday, Feb. 10, just in time for Valentine's Day. The movie stars Channing Tatum ("Step Up")...

The Thumb

Thumbs up: Winter Term international service extends into second semester The student-led Winter Term service trip is an exciting and commendable example of DePauw students...

'The Colbert Report' creates attitude awareness

If you're reading this near the GCPA, head towards the violin practice room and continue reading as somber music passes through your soul. If...

GOP candidates' infighting strengthens Obama campaign

  Cast aside whom you want to win the presidential election in November and take a long hard look at who will win the election. Following the 2010...

Hypocrisy: An underrated issue plaguing everyday life

Before the oh-so-infamous winter term, I wrote an article about hashtagging outside of Twitter and how we use this fine social media attribute as...

Timmy Global Health: Empowering communities and volunteers

It is evident Timmy Global Health has a certain tangible impact upon its patients, yet what about the volunteers? The volunteers not only make...

Costa Concordia not the modern Titanic

Waterfront disasters become unspoken tragedies By now, we've all probably heard about the Costa Concordia's Jan. 13 grounding. It's got all the elements of a...

Report useful but not quite there

On first glance — earlier Friday classes to curb thirsty Thursday's as well as more rigorous Winter Terms — the administration's alcohol report seems...