Picking a roommate requires a self-reflective process

Everyone can make fun of me all they want: my two obsessions in life are unicorns and the American flag, and my side of...

Excise: invaders or reality check?

DePauw has been targeted by the Intensified College Enforcement (ICE) program, executed by the Indiana State Excise Police. The program hopes to curb underage...

Campus golf: The perfect way to take advatnage of good weather

It's finally spring here at good ol' DePauw. The sky is getting bluer, the grass is getting greener, our course loads are getting progressively...

We must learn from history to avoid war

When was the last time you remember the United States not being in a war? Although the war in Iraq is officially over, the...

Letters to the Editor

Openness is Key to Pursue Positive Change As a member of the Student Government Evaluation Committee (GEC), I would like to make some clarifications from...

#StopKony: Lessons in slacktivism

I find Twitter an indispensable tool in gleaning the important headlines of the day with a quick glance. Staying up to date is only...


Social media's power to create conversation The recent outburst of the video title Kony2012 created by the nonprofit organizatoin Invisible Children has spurred continuous discussion...

Reevaluation first step in effectiveness

We're glad student government took the initiative to put together a committee who's sole responsibility is to analyze effectiveness and organization. As these audits take...

SOPA small beans compared to international censorship

Censorship? More like "censorsh*t," am I right? Censorship is one of those topics we do not hear about too often, but when we do,...