Bust a Fit: an introduction


Hey guys. My name is Byron Mason and I’m a sophomore here on campus. Besides Thrifty Tiger, I noticed that there’s a lack of emphasis for fashion on campus. In order to correct this, I’m starting a fashion column in The DePauw called “Bust a Fit.” You might ask, “What does this mean?” Well, let me tell you.

You or someone you know can have the chance to get featured in The DePauw for their sense of style! Send an email to me at byronmason_2020@depauw.edu with the subject of “Bust a Fit” in all caps telling me why you think you or someone you know should be chosen to be featured in the column. If you nominate someone else, make sure you give me a way to contact them. You can also just let me know if you see me walking around. If people don’t nominate themselves or someone else, I’ll choose someone myself.

Also know that if you’re featured, a picture of you will show up in The DePauw, so make sure you “bust a fit.” See what I did there? NOTE: I’ll only be doing the student features every other week so it doesn’t get boring. When I’m not doing the student features, I’ll be writing about fashion trends and what to wear or what not to wear on campus. With that being said, if there is a trend on campus or a trend you’d like me to discuss overall, just email me or tell me in person. I’m always looking for topics. So, tell your friends and let’s have some fun with this.