DePauw Dialogue restructured, set to return next week

Students crowd the Lily Auditorium for the Day of Dialogue Keynote BYRON MASON II

DePauw Day of Dialogue is going to look different this year. On September 21, 2020, Dr. White announced that DePauw Day of Dialogue would be replaced with DePauw Dialogue, “a series of programs, workshops and activities focused on issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism" spread throughout the semester. The goal of the restructuring is to create a series of continued dialogue on campus. 

This year’s themed series, “Breaking Down Biases and Building Community,” will kick off on Wednesday, February 24th at 10:00 a.m. with a Kickoff Panel with President White. During this two-hour session, Dr. White and other members of the community will share their perspectives on this year’s theme. 

Following this, students will be invited to three sessions on Deepening Knowledge, Next Steps for DePauw, and Call to Action & Commitment. 

In an email sent to students on Feb. 11, DePauw Dialogue invited the community to pitch program ideas in a variety of mediums and topics on the Call for Programs form

According to the email, Dr White’s vision for proposed programs is to “educate members of our community about current diversity and inclusion issues (this year including the pandemic’s disproportionate impact on people of color, police killings of Black people, the election, intolerance, immigration policies and more) with a focus on our roles and responsibilities in addressing these issues through teaching, learning and scholarship, student life experiences and policies and practices.”

Each session will be organized in one of three categories: Knowledge, Awareness, and Action. 

Upcoming pre-kick off events include:

Reimagining the Liberal Arts College: A Community Conversation with Beth Benedix and Steven Volk on Friday, February 12, 2021 at 4:00 PM EST.

Equitable and Inclusive Practices in the Arts with Fifth House Ensemble and Daniel Bernard Roumain on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 10:20 AM EST.

For more information visit DePauw Dialogue’s page on DePauw’s website.