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Worst Roommate Experiences

Hogate Hall. Photo courtesy of DePauw University.

Every year, many first-year students prepare themselves for a whole new roommate experience. With this preparation, certain questions come to mind: Will the roommate be organized? Will he or she bring someone over every night? Or will he or she become your new best friend? 

While many roommates create good memories together, some bad roommate experiences are inevitable. 

For sophomore Ivy Sedam, her experience was not so nice. 

“My roommate was a complete mess. She constantly snored and had guys over all the time. Also, once she made a tray of macaroni and cheese and did not wash it until the end of the semester,” Sedam said. 

Khoa Cao, first-year, has been struggling with his current roommate this year.

“I live with a roommate who showers only once a week. Whenever I ask him about this, he lies to me. All of the room stinks because of him and his smelly shoes, which he throws randomly around the room,” Cao said. 

If this isn’t frightening enough, Amreeha Masooma, sophomore, told us about her roommate horror story.

“My roommate used to tell me everyday that she had a guy over every night . But one day, I walked in on her and a friend smoking. I was so angry at her for lying to me and finally had to get rid of her next semester by filing a room change request,” Huq said.

Martello Zhang, first-year international student had many grievances with his roommate. 

“My roommate does not study the whole day but whenever I am just about to sleep, he remembers that he has work to do and starts studying. It is funny that he does this almost every night, as if just to irritate me,” Zhang said.  

If you or your friends are struggling with a roommate, get some help. Contact an RA or have a respectful talk about your issues. Bad roommate experiences are a part of college life, just like any other college experience, but you shouldn’t have to go through them. While they may be a nuisance when you’re living through them, you’ll make it out okay.


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