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What Not to Wear

Spooky season is upon us which means haunted houses, candy and parties. For most, if not all of these events, attendees will probably wear costumes. 

Halloween can be a fun time to dress up; however, it is also a time when poor judgment and ignorance can lead to offensive costumes. 

Cultural appropriation exists in many aspects of our daily lives, but during the Halloween season, we tend to see the most blatant and disrespectful examples. 

Before going out to celebrate Halloween, take a minute to check if your costume is appropriate.

Here are some quick guidelines to follow to avoid offensive costumes: 

Even if you think you are appreciating the culture, there is no way that on Halloween, a night full of partying, you will be portraying what you are wearing in a respectful manner. 

Hold each other accountable. If you see someone doing something that crosses a line, address the situation. It takes five seconds, and no, your friend won’t hate you.

If you are even questioning whether or not your costume is offensive or inappropriate, don’t wear it. 

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