Home Features Vigil for Jewish Community this Thursday

Vigil for Jewish Community this Thursday

Vigil for Jewish Community this Thursday

There will be a Vigil Against Hate led by DePauw’s Hillel community, this Thursday Nov.1st at 7:30 p.m. at Stewart Plaza, to remember those who died in the most recent mass shooting.

This past Sunday, Robert Bowers attacked Tree of Life Congregation Synagogue in Pittsburgh, and killed 11 people, and injured six others. In the wake of the attack, DePauw spiritual life wants to make sure that DePauw’s Jewish community feels the support of the campus.

Hillel advisor, Adam Cohen, in an email sent to the DePauw community, none of the current DePauw Jewish students are from Pittsburgh, and because the United State’s Jewish community is so small “it is reasonable to assume that our Jewish community has interacted with that Temple or its members.”