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Update on the Independent Review Committee

According to an email President Brian Casey sent to DePauw students, faculty and staff Wednesday afternoon, The Independent Review he called earlier this fall has begun its investigation and is now calling for community input.

The email says the committee will be meeting with interested parties on Monday Nov 16 in the Union Building ballroom from 4:00-6:00 pm. 

According to Casey, the committee would like to hear from as many people as possible and to account for this request, they ask comments to be limited to three minutes each.  

Casey repeated the original intention that the work of the committee will be compiled in a report by the end of the semester.  

In conclusion of the email, Casey wrote, “Hearing from the DePauw community is an important part of the committee’s work, and I thank you for taking the time to attend Monday’s session.  It’s my hope that this process can be a step in working to build a stronger campus community.” 

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