Turnover is Pop Punk for Adults


I had the pleasure of being invited to see Turnover at the Deluxe in Indianapolis’ Old National Centre on April 20. I hadn’t even heard of the band when I signed on to go, but I had a free Friday night so I decided to go with a friend and fan of theirs, hoping to find a new band to enjoy.

My friend and I sadly missed the show’s two openers, but we managed to walk down the stairs right as the drum intro commenced. I entered the room to find a configuration of old style TVs behind the band, flashing images of flowers and other cool aesthetics throughout the show, including a dripping logo of their latest album title, “Good Nature.”

I reveled in hearing the voices of the audience members, singing along in an off-key, half-screaming chorus. I like knowing that this was something they likely had looked forward to for a long time, even though I knew barely anything about the band prior to walking into the building. At other shows, I’m very active in that sect of the crowd, but I took pleasure in watching it this time around.

As for the music, I found it very easy to listen to. My friend claimed their style was like “pop punk for adults.” A lot of the lyrics are pretty similar to those you would find in a pop punk tune, but slightly more refined with a more mature sound. Turnover has been said to share similarities with bands like Tigers Jaw, Citizen, and Man Overboard. After seeing their live performance, I think I will give their recorded tracks a try.

If you want to listen to Turnover, their 2017 album “Good Nature” is out now. No word is out on when they will be releasing their next album, but I’m sure recording will take place after they wrap up touring in June. To hear bands like Turnover, you can always tune in to WGRE! As always, thanks for reading and keep rockin’.