Maya Howard
Women’s Basketball
TDP: How have you risen to the challenge of being one of the DePauw basketball game leaders?
Maya: I've build a lot of confidence in myself and in my teammates who have helped me past and present become a leader for this team. Being the only senior, I've had to step up in many ways to bring the underclassmen along quicker and get them ready for competition.
TDP: What training would you contribute to your success?
Maya: The training we do in practice everyday and the extra hours we put in outside of practice has contributed to my success on the team. Each day we push each other to get better at every aspect of the game.
TDP: What is your goal for the remainder of the season?
Maya: My goals for the remainder of the season is to win the Conference Championship and a National Championship.
TDP: What does it mean to be a DePauw athlete?
Maya: Being a DePauw athlete allows me to play the game that I love with amazing people and still get a great education. I have been able to learn so much about myself, the game of basketball and leadership skills that I know will help me in the future.
TDP: What does it mean to you to be on the Women's Basketball team?
Maya: To be a member of the Women's Basketball team means so much to me. Being able to spend everyday with your best friends and learn from phenomenal coaches is the reason why I love the game and continue to play. We have a special bond on this team and I am so grateful to be a part of it.