1. Confirmed In-Person Commencement
The university announced through email today (March 3) that commencement will be held outdoors, in-person, for the classes of 2020 and 2021. Live video streaming will be available for both ceremonies.
The commencement ceremony for the class of 2021 will be held May 23 and the commencement for the Class of 2020 will be held the following week on June 6. The details about time and campus location are not yet finalized. Each student will receive two tickets for the in-person event and two overflow tickets.
Read the full story by Jos Fox here.
- Sex in the time of COVID-19: questions about no visitor policy, campus surveillance
During a DePauw Dialogue breakout session on Wednesday titled “Improving Students’ Relationship with Policy Enforcement and Campus Policing,” conversation heavily revolved around the no-visitor policy and its enforcement.
This no-visitor policy has caused some students to raise concerns around the extent of rule enforcement through various surveillance and tracking technologies on campus.
Students wanted to know how their movement on campus is tracked and how the surveillance is used to implicate students. In addition to this, one unanswered question lingered in the Zoom chat box: “given DePauw’s strict no guest policy, where does administration expect on-campus students to engage in safe, consensual sex?”
Read the full story by Jos Fox here.
- Virtual Career Lab
The DePauw University Hubbard Center is offering a Virtual Career Lab tonight (March 3) from 8 to 9 P.M. The event is open for students to “drop-in” and to ask questions about career development or work on applications with Peer Consultants and Full-time career staff members.
For more information about the event visit Campus Labs.