TDP Post-It: Wednesday, Feb. 10


  1. DePauw Dialogue coming soon

DePauw’s Dialogue on February 24 is rapidly approaching. It will be entirely virtual. Per the DePauw Dialogue Planning Committee, a full day is planned with the current itinerary looking like this: 

10:00am - noon: Welcome & kickoff panel with President White - President White and members of the community share their perspectives on dialogue, breaking down bias, and building community.

1:00 - 2:30pm: Deepening Knowledge - DePauw practitioners facilitate sessions to share their knowledge to better understand the impact of biases and other barriers to building community.

2:45 - 3:30pm Next Steps for DePauw -  Dialogue and discussion that allows specific DePauw community groups to identify ways to engage and apply material from the day to support each other in building our dream DePauw community. 

3:45 - 4:00pm Call to action & Commitment - President White closes the conversation for the day and invites others to commit to building a community of belonging.

There are many scheduled events in the coming week to prepare students for the continuation of the Dialogue series. For more information, click here. 

2. Off-Campus Study Opportunities

The Hubbard Center is providing information for more off-campus study opportunities every Thursday. Per DePauw’s campus labs, “Join the Hubbard Center team for a virtual information session about off-campus study programs at DePauw. Bring your questions about OCS and find out where you might spend a semester, winter or May term off-campus.”

For more information, click here. 

3. Africana Studies presenting lecture series on systemic racism

DePauw’s Africana Studies will be hosting Dr. Tanjala Purnell, Assistant Professor of Cardiovascular Disease and Clinical Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Per DePauw’s campus labs, “She holds joint faculty appointments in the Johns Hopkins Departments of Surgery, Health Policy and Management, and Health Behavior and Society. Dr. Purnell’s research has been published in leading medical and public health journals.” The event will start at 7:00 p.m. EST and conclude at 9:00 p.m. For more information, click here.