TDP Post-It: Thursday, Nov. 19


1. President White Joins Bipartisan Free Speech Task Force

President Lori White joins other academic leaders in an effort to “identify practices, programs and policies to foster free expression on college campuses,” according to a press release from DePauw University. 

White said in the press release that she believes in order to create leaders, universities must foster “freedom of speech and expression and a commitment to diversity and inclusion.”

In a December report, DePauw was rated as a Red light institution by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). According to FIRE’s website, their database rates an institution’s written policies governing student speech. 

Read “A Censored Community: Students’ Speech, Expression Encumbered, DePauw Criticized” by Jos Fox for more on free speech at DePauw. 

2. COVID-19 Update

As students approach the deadline for leaving campus housing for the semester, there are currently 10 active cases on campus, with 9 students in isolation and 45 students in quarantine.

3. Part Two of ‘Edges of Proximity’ Premiers Saturday

Part two of DePauw Theatre’s “Edges of Proximity: Songs for the Pandemic” titled “Relationships” will premiere on YouTube this Saturday at 7:30 p.m.

The show is free and will be available after the fact on the DePauw Music YouTube.