TDP Post-It: Wed Sept. 9


1. Number of virtual classes versus in-person classes

Of the 680 courses that DePauw is offering this fall, only eight are designated as "face to face," meaning that students must be able to attend in-person in order to take them. 224 are designated as "mixed,” meaning that they are open to both on-campus students and remote students. 448 are designated as "remote" meaning that they are open to both on-campus students and remote students, but all instruction is remote. Vice President of Academic Affairs Dave Berque said, “It is important to remember that almost all of our 300-level and 400-level courses are remote this fall.  When you look at the 448 remote courses, 200 of them are at the 100-level and 200-level. In other words, at the 100-level and 200-level about half of the courses are remote and about half of the courses are face-to-face or mixed. At the 300-level and 400-level, however, almost all of the courses are remote.” Some professors are having to transition into an asynchronous class format to accommodate the needs of students who live in different time zones. 

2. First Year Guide: Who to Follow

Attached below are the Twitter and Instagram accounts that TDP thinks first year students should follow to stay up to date  on all things DePauw. 

DePauw University: @DePauwU & @depauwu

President Lori White: @DrLoriDePauwU & @drloridepauw

The DePauw: @TheDePauw & @thedepauw

D3TV: @D3tvDepauw & @d3tvdepauw

WGRE: @WGRERadio & @wgreradio

DePauw Athletics: @DePauwAthletics & @depauwtigers

DePauw Student Government: @DPU_StudentGov & @depauw_studentgov

3. Wyatt Metzger and Good Time Media

Phi Delta Theta member Wyatt Metzger ‘22 created a content website called GoodTime Media. It is a digital entertainment company that he launched during the pandemic. Metzger said he noticed how easy it is to go online and see all the bad stuff happening in the world, and his goal was to make it just a little bit easier to find the good. Currently, he employs six full-time bloggers who cover a variety of topics. He also uploads three podcasts onto his podcast network and his YouTube channel. For more information on GoodTime Media, click here.