TDP Post-It: Monday, Sept. 21

  1. DePauw Dialogue 2020-2021

DePauw Dialogue will look different this year. 

“I believe one day is not enough to achieve the intellectual, multi-faceted learning experience we should expect of our outstanding liberal arts institution, especially during a time of extraordinary unrest and divisiveness in our nation,” President Lori White said in an email.  

Rather than the traditional “Day” of Dialogue, White  has proposed that DePauw Dialogue transform into a series of programs, workshops, and activities. These events  will focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism for the remainder of the fall term, through winter term, and into the spring term. To conclude the series there will be a full day of DePauw Dialogue event.  

White also said that due to COVID-19 these events will most likely be done virtually and in-person.  Students, faculty, or staff interested in serving on the planning committee may contact Vice President Alan Hill or Vice President Amanda Kim. 

2. Methods of Grading In COVID-19 (effort-based grading) 

Due to COVID-19, several DePauw professors have chosen to change their method of grading to better accommodate students. Harry Brown, English Department Chair, is one of these professors. Brown calls it “effort-based grading,” meaning that a student can earn points for completing assignments, including attendance, participation, and writing. A student’s grade relies on their consistency and level of effort. 

Brown still gives feedback on work and provides detailed comments to his students to continue their development as writers. 

Brown decided this method would be best this semester because students are spread out across the world. “The playing field isn't level, and effort-based grading allows for more equity in learning under these circumstances because it gives students control over their own assessment and gives them multiple paths to succeeding in the course,” He said.

3. Tent Classes

Some classrooms on campus look a little different this semester, as Dave Berque, Vice President of Academic Affairs said in an email, that tents will transform into learning spaces to accommodate  COVID-19 precautions. Currently, there are four tents set up as classrooms with chairs, desks, computer projection, and WIFI. Additionally, there are two other dining tents for students to eat outside. 

Total, 19 classes utilize these tent classrooms. Just like their indoor counterparts, these outdoor spaces are regularly cleaned by facilities management.  

As the weather gets colder, Berque said that professors will have the option to move their outdoor classes into available classroom space, or they can opt to teach fully online. 

Photo By Ian S. Brundige

4. DePauw School of Music Events 

The DePauw School of Music will hold virtual events throughout the remainder t of this month and into October. 

On Friday, Sept. 25 at 6:30 p.m. there will be a guest workshop with the Fifth House Ensemble. 

On Sept. 28 Imani Winds will be doing a guest presentation about entrepreneurship and equity in classical music. This event is open to all DePauw students, faculty and staff. 

The last event this month will be on Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 4 p.m. and will feature Imani Winds again but this will be a closed master class for the DePauw Bands. 

5. New Campus Farm Director 

Over the summer, Seth Brawner ‘20 was hired as the new Ullem Campus Farm Director. Brawner, a recent graduate,  took this position because it allows him to turn his passion into a full time job.

 “I had developed a healthy passion for sustainable food systems and organic horticulture during my time at DePauw, and I wanted to continue to work in [this field] after graduation “literally!” Brawner said.

The farm has reopened to student volunteers, after being closed throughout the summer due to COVID-19.