TDP Post-It: Friday, Oct. 30


Here are the things to know today: All DePauw students who would like to live off-campus or commute are required to apply for an exception to the residential requirement for spring term. Nacho Mama food truck will be outside the U.B. Saturday at 9 p.m. Countdown will play tonight in Bowman Park. Greencastle schools are closed until Nov. 6 due to one positive case of COVID-19. 

1. Students Must Petition to Live Off Campus In Spring

All DePauw students who would like to live off-campus or commute are required to apply for an exception to the residential requirement for spring term, according to an email to students from Alan Hill, vice-president of student academic life.

Read the full story by Olivia Jennings here

2. Nacho Mama Food Truck On Campus Saturday

From 9 p.m. to 11 p.m., students can get free food from the Nacho Mama food truck outside of the Union Building. 

3. Campus Activities Hosts Movie Night in Bowman Park

The thriller Countdown will play in Bowman Park tonight starting at 9:00 p.m. According to, it’ll be a high of 31 degrees Fahrenheit tonight so be sure to bundle up. 

4. Greencastle Schools Online Until Nov. 6 Due to COVID-19 Case

One positive COVID-19 case has sent Greencastle schools online due to a number of teachers being identified as possible contacts. 

Read the full story here