TDP Post-It: Friday, Dec. 4


1. Students Reminded to Continue Reporting Positive COVID-19 Tests

Students who test positive for COVID-19 while off campus should report it to

An email from the Student Academic Life office said, “We need this information to help us with return-to-campus and asymptomatic testing protocols for the spring semester, as well as to better understand end-of-term behaviors of the students so we can properly mitigate risk at the end of the spring term.”

2. DePauw Theatre to Perform Virtual ‘A Christmas Carol’

DePauw Theatre’s production of “A Christmas Carol” will air on the DePauw School of Music YouTube Saturday, Dec. 5 at 7:30 p.m.  

The cast has partnered with United Way of Putnam County to raise money for the basic needs of residents in Putnam County to “ensure local families receive life-changing resources that improve lives.”

Willing parties are encouraged to donate by texting GIVEHELP to 91999 or visiting:

3. COVID-19 Update

There are currently six positive cases reported to the university.