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Tag: small business

Conspire: A Place to Celebrate

Just a few steps away from Eli’s Bookstore downtown sits a Greencastle staple: Conspire. Offering local, handmade, and recycled products and gifts, the store...

Unraveling Second-hand Histories at the Greencastle Pawn Store 

Tom Greenberg stands behind a wooden counter, watching over a series of used musical instruments, video games, DVDs, electronics, jewelry, and mechanical tools—a second-hand...

Lost Hollow: Brand Rooted in Greencastle

Located on the corner of Franklin and Vine sits a local spot, a hidden gem halfway through its first year of operation. Lost Hollow...

VIDEO: Cheesin'

Cheesin from The DePauw Multimedia on Vimeo. The Cheesin' team makes gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches at campus events. COURTESY OF...