Tag: editorial
EDITORIAL: Media coverage of high profile cases sways public opinion
On Sept. 5, a grand jury indicted Justin Ross Harris on eight different counts, three months after Justin’s left his 22-month-old son, Cooper, inside...
EDITORIAL: Scotland’s independence vote exemplifies democracy’s greatest attributes
Something incredible happened ‘across the pond’ Thursday. Under the Scottish Independence Referendum 2014, the nation of Scotland went to the polls to...
EDITORIAL: Gone but not forgotten: Learning to remember 9/11
On Thursday, our country observed the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Most of us reading this can remember where we were the...
EDITORIAL: Workout for the right reason
DePauw University has a slew of great places for students to work out. We can take walks or go for runs in the Nature...
Editorial: Is there an answer in Ferguson?
Earlier this summer, two friends from Ferguson, Missouri, a northern munincipality in St. Louis, were walking home in the middle of the...