Tag: Depauw
RateMyProfessors.com, “Take it with a grain of salt” claim students and...
In my first year at DePauw, as soon as I got all of my classes confirmed, I looked up all of my professors on...
The Female Gaze: I Don’t Feel at Home in this World...
I am a big fan of watching movies in your own home, curled up in a blanket by yourself, or with your roommates on...
On Moral Relativism
If one loves logic and intellect, then one will also have no problem recognizing and pointing out contradictory statements that are put forward in...
Tiger of the Week: Jenny Noll
Tiger of the Week: Jenny Noll
Hometown: LaPorte, IN
Grade: First-year
Major: Kinesiology
Sport: Women's Cross Country
TDP: How has Jenny impacted the team?
DePauw Faculty raised concern about their treatment and value in front...
Some members of DePauw University faculty continued to raise concern about their treatment and value in front of administrators during a two-and-a-half-hour faculty meeting...
Administrators respond to faculty concerns
DePauw University administrators responded this week to charges in a faculty letter released Aug. 28 that claimed class sizes were increasing while the number...
Student-athletes expected to follow drinking policies set by department and team
College is a place where intellectual inquiries are often closely accompanied by a drinking culture. At a school where 27 percent of students fall...
Renowned Wildlife Conservationist Russell A Mittermeier to visit DePauw
Chief conservation officer for Global Wildlife Conservation (GWC) Russell A. Mittermeier, PH.D., will visit DePauw on Thursday, Sept. 27. The free event will be...
Athletes and Activism: Nike Takes a Knee
“I’m with Kap.” It’s the simple, hashtagged phrase printed on the front of the jerseys made available on free agent and activist Colin Kaepernick’s...
Bang on a can all day!
Percussions, guitars, contrabass, cello, clarinets and the piano… . What kind of music uses such a combination of instruments? Jazz? Rock? It cannot be...