Records to Spin this Summer


Hello, hello, hello! It’s Jerica from WGRE for my final article as Music Director and a student at DePauw University. I decided that for my finale, if you will, I wanted to give you some upcoming album releases to watch out for going into the summer.

The five-year wait is over! This Friday, May 11, Arctic Monkeys will finally release the follow-up to their acclaimed 2013 release, “AM. The band rose through the chart ranks with the track, “Do I Wanna Know?” and I am hoping for a few more hits from this upcoming album. The new album is titled “Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino.” No singles will be released before the album drops, but don’t worry, you will not have to wait much longer to hear new songs from the British band. Don’t miss what will surely be a shocking release!

Another release coming up this Friday: Beach House’s “7. Earlier this semester, I wrote about their first single from this album, “Lemon Glow,” praising it for its nauseatingly powerful instrumentals. While I have not had the time to catch up on the latest singles from the album, I am looking forward to listening to the record in full come Friday.

Most importantly (to me), Courtney Barnett is releasing her album, “Tell Me How You Really Feel. If you’ve been keeping up with my articles over the past year, you know I’ve written about Barnett at least three times, including an article about TMHYRF’s lead single, “Nameless, Faceless.” Barnett is a lyrical powerhouse that speaks to emotions that are rarely expressed in public. I’m ready for more jams from her for my sad nights and when I’m driving around in the summertime. Plug May 18 into your calendars, you won’t want to let this record pass you by.

Other releases to be on the look-out for: Father John Misty’s “God’s Favorite Customer “on June 1, Snail Mail’s Lush and Jorja Smith’s “Lost & Found” on June 8 and Florence + the Machine’s “High as Hope” on June 29.

It has been a great pleasure writing for The DePauw during my reign as Music Director. Thank you for taking the time to check out my opinions! Have a great summer and listen to some music you might not have before; you never know what you’ll enjoy!