OPINION: The Hub and why people need to stop talking about it


Madison Dudley is a first-year from Scottsdale, Arizona.

I've been on campus for just a few weeks and I am already tired of hearing people complain about the Hub. DePauw University’s favorite punching bag, the Hub is the main dining hall on campus that is gradually on its way out, like the CEO of a corporation who should have retired 15 years ago but hasn’t quite taken the hint yet.

The Hub is being replaced by the new Hoover Hall on campus, which will open at the end of the 2016 school year, and many students are feverishly counting down the days.

I think that everyone needs to shut up.

Either I'm missing the memo or I became too accustomed to eating breakfast bars for lunch in high school. I see no problem with the food at the Hub.

It’s food. Be happy.

The Hub offers three meals a day plus late night, and during normal dining hours it’s all you can eat. Most colleges and universities make you pay for every little thing. Your drink, sandwich, apple and bag of chips could easily cost more than $10 at some other academic institutions.

Some students have the nerve to insult the Hub because its “over crowded” and can sometimes be “bland,” but people don’t understand that this is college food. It’s better than high school food, similar to wedding food, and over all the quality is pretty high compared to other schools. It’s not going to be Gordon Ramsey or Wolfgang Puck level; people need to realize that what they have is better than most.

DePauw, you have to deal with the Hub for two more years and whining about it will not make the time go by any faster. As I sit at my table by the window and eat my signature bagel and salad, I reminisce about what the food at my high school was like; the too-chewy-to-be-cooked-thoroughly chicken nuggets, the mystery-meat enchiladas and the hot dogs that we would throw on the floor and see how high they could bounce.

 I just thank God for the Hub.

-Madison Dudley is a first-year from Scottsdale, Arizona.