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Myers’ Market Purchases Property from DePauw for $290K

The week before spring break, students and Greencastle residents received news that Myers’ Market would be leaving its property. Myers’, a deli and butcher shop frequented by both DePauw students and Greencastle townspeople, is located on 302 E Washington Street. In an article titled “Myers’ Market business will continue but Greencastle property it calls home is for sale,” the Putnam County Post reported that DePauw had plans to “sell the property that houses Myers’ Market” for $300,000. The property that Myers’ Market currently resides in is owned by DePauw and the small business has rented the building since 2013, according to owner Mitchell Myers. He stated that Myers’ had planned to purchase the property from DePauw in 2021, but was unable to due to “a paperwork issue that was not taken care of.” Now, with issues of inflation and rising prices, the price of the property rose to $300,000––a price that Myers’ was unwilling to pay. 

Although Myers reached out to DePauw in late February, he did not receive a response from the university until March 19. “All other communication,” Myers stated, “only came to us through the realtor DePauw uses.” Despite this, following communications with DePauw and its realtor, the cost of the building was reduced to $290,000. With the price lowered by $10,000, Mitchell Myers felt that purchasing the location was “the right thing for the time being.” 

Due to this purchase, Myers’ Market will remain in its current location at 302 E Washington Street for the foreseeable future. Myers emphasized in his interview that “business will continue as usual.” For more information about Myers’ Market, students can visit their website or call (765) 653-1335. Myers’ hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

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