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Misfit service brings Christian community together on campus

The term “misfit” is often used to describe things that don’t have a place to go, that don’t fit into a box. Misfit NYC is working to bring these people together to show the message of Jesus Christ in a new and inventive way. Their idea has made it to DePauw in the form of the Misfit Service.

On Oct. 9 juniors David Lopez and Nancy Campos put together their second-ever Misfit Service in the UB Ballroom at DePauw.

Junior Sarah Salazar said the reason behind the name Misfits comes from "The belief that we are all misfits in the world and come together differences." 

Misfits is organized entirle by students and was started by Lopez and Campos during last year's fall semester. 

It began as a group of friends watching the livestream of the Misfit NYC Church's Friday night service every Friday afternoon. Misfits NYC mission statement states that  “We seek to make the truth of Jesus Christ famous, relevant, and attractive.”

Misfits claims that they are made by the youth, for the youth and use new and inventive ways to attract an audience of Christ driven youth.

Starting as a simple idea between friends on a Friday, DePauw’s Misfit Service evolved into a full fledged, student run production. The service involved gospel songs, sung by DePauw’s Exalt Gospel Choir, as well as the speaking done by both Lopez and Campos.  

"A lot of the messages that we have at Misfit's will often touch on the current events on DePauw's campus," said Lopez, "We are definitely going to do more of these, and really hope to gorw." 

"The next one will be after fall break, likely Oct. 30, or Nov. 6," said Campos. 

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