For The Kids! DePauw Dance Marathon


After raising over $89,000 last year, DePauw Dance Marathon is trying to up their game for 2017.

This coming Saturday marks the fifth annual DePauw University Dance Marathon (DPUDM). Dance Marathon promises fun activities, free food and, of course, dancing.

The DePauw Dance Marathon organization operates year-round with a 20-person executive board and around 300 total contributors. DPUDM holds fundraising events year-round, all in the hopes of benefitting Riley’s Children’s Hospital and its pediatric research.

The Dance Marathon itself is the culmination of the organization’s fundraising events. The eight hour event consists of a multitude of activities.

The feature event is the line dance, choreographed and taught by students on the DPUDM’s “Morale Team.” Participants learn the dance in smaller groups and come together for a final performance which includes some Riley kids.  

Throughout the day, Riley families share their experiences, allowing participants and organizers to see first-hand the importance of the work being done at the Dance Marathon. The event will also include a bounce house, face painting, food, games, and, of course, dance parties.

According to senior Vice President of the Dance Marathon, senior  Audrey Spears, this year also promises several music groups and a fashion show by the Riley kids. “Everybody is super excited and it’s just a really great way to bring everyone together with these fun events,” Spears said.

At the end of the day, the organizers present the “total reveal,” where they unveil the total amount of money raised since the last year’s Dance Marathon event. The goal for this year’s Dance Marathon is $100,000, a staggering number for any Dance Marathon. In fact, DPUDM is one of the fastest-growing events of its kind in the state. The University’s first Dance Marathon—just four years ago—had the goal of $10,000. According to senior Anna Funke, DPUDM president, “we have seen incredible growth in our fifth year.”

Dance Marathon’s impact is not limited to the families at Riley Children’s Hospital; it has become an important and inspirational event for DePauw student organizers and participants alike. “I have realized during my time as DPUDM president that being a part of a philanthropic organization as powerful as this one has been absolutely transformative during my college career,” said Funke.

The team puts a lot of work into Dance Marathon, but they get to see it all pay off at the end of the day. “There is no feeling that compares to seeing the Total Reveal at the end of the Marathon and understanding how many late nights, long conference calls, and stressed out days went into that big number,” said Funke.

Sophomore Melissa Browning said she dances because she wants every kid to experience the healthy and happy childhood they deserve. “It is my hope that dancing in Dance Marathon will help get all the patients at Riley out of the hospital quicker and dancing alongside me,” Browning said.

Funke looks forward to seeing the results of the organization's effort. “I am so excited to finally reveal our total this year and, no matter what, it will bring the DePauw community together and be a time to celebrate all of the hard work that we did this year. FTK! (For The Kids!),” Funke said.

All are welcome to attend, regardless of whether or not they have signed up or fundraised. The event is Saturday from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. in the Indoor Track and Field building.