- What movie can you continuously watch without getting tired?
- Who would you want to narrate your life?
- If you could be an animal, what would you be?
- What country would you most like to visit?
Danielle Smith, junior, golf
- “Toy Story 3”
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
- Dog because all dogs are happy
- Thailand
Grant Rademacher, junior, baseball
- “Saving Private Ryan”
- My good friend Matt George
- Shark
- Australia
Jonah Jerabek, first-year, track and field
- I have probably watched “The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!” around 30 or 40 times in my life so far and I love it more and more with each viewing.
- I would have Christopher Walken narrate my life but ideally he’d sing everything, like when he voiced King Louie in the live-action “Jungle Book” movie.
- I’d want to be a triceratops. They seem like a pretty underrated species and I think I could really smooth over human-triceratops relations.
- I have always wanted to go to New Zealand. I hear the hiking is absolutely beautiful.