EDITORIAL: The DePauw introduces updated editorial policy


In our April 3 issue, The DePauw published a Letter to the Editor written by one Wayne Lela. Since publishing this letter, we have received negative feedback to our decision to run this letter, as its content offered a strong stance on the Indiana’s RFRA bill.

For those who may also have been upset by this letter, we invite you to read the Editorial Policy posted below each editorial. Pay special attention, however, to this section:

"The DePauw welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must be signed and accompanied by the author's name and phone number and sent in by 4 p.m. either the Monday or Thursday before print dates. Letters cannot be retracted after 5 p.m. the same day of submission. Letters have a 350-word limit and are subject to editing for style and length. The DePauw reserves the right to reject letters that are libelous or sent for promotional or advertising purposes.”

Since nothing within our editorial policy states that letters must be from students, alumni, faculty, etc, we felt that we had no backing from our Editorial Policy to reject Wayne Lela’s letter. The DePauw would like to remind its readers that we do not necessarily share, nor do we actively endorse, the opinions of those who write Letters to the Editor. This is also highlighted in our editorial policy.

In light of the responses we’ve received, however, The DePauw has decided to update its policy.

From this issue onward, our Editorial Policy will also contain the phrase, “We reserve the right to reject letters from those outside of the DePauw and Greencastle community in order to preserve space for those voices within.”