Home Opinion EDITORIAL: Cheers, tears, and jeers for 2014-2015

EDITORIAL: Cheers, tears, and jeers for 2014-2015

EDITORIAL: Cheers, tears, and jeers for 2014-2015

Cheers to the Day of Inclusion

Jeers to the lack of follow-up

Tears to seniors graduating


Cheers to men’s basketball winning the NCAC tournament

Jeers to Wabash

Tears to women’s basketball not winning the NCAA tourney again


Cheers to Ashton Johnson becoming the first African American and     African American female to win the Walker Cup

Jeers to the sudden and drastic meal plan changes

Tears to losing the Monon Bell Game


Cheers to the wonderful Ubben Lecture series

Jeers to the mold in Hogate

Tears to a long and dreary winter


Cheers to men and women’s lax teams having stellar seasons

Jeers to the broken chairs in Roy

Tears to all of the Help Desk emails concerning wifi and spam


Cheers to a new class next year

Jeers to RFRA

Tears to the death of overtipping at 2 West and The Fluttering Duck


Cheers to DePauw for The Campaign and seeking a billion dollar endowment

Jeers to Yik Yak

Tears to Gina Wills leaving DePauw’s field hockey and intramural