Alan Hill, DePauw class of ‘81 and vice president of student affairs and dean of students will retire at the end of the 2021- 2022 school year.
Hill informed President Lori White at the beginning of the term that he was contemplating his leave. He hopes to continue his passion for education with younger age groups.
"I've been blessed… so I'm going to find a way to continue to be a blessing to others. I'm probably looking to focus on impacting younger K-6 age group students, because that's such an important place in education and education changes lives and it starts there," Hill said.
Hill has previously worked in higher education for over 34 years, with six of those years spent at DePauw in administration. He originally saw himself as a coach for K-6 and eventually founded the Youth Track Program in 2005 in Indianapolis.
"Just the look in their eyes when you give them opportunities to learn, grow, develop, make them feel like people believe in [them], and that [they] can make a difference regardless of who [they] are- that's what gets me excited," Hill said.
Faculty Reactions
Mishelle Malayer, the assistant to the vice president of student affairs, has worked closely with Hill throughout the years. She described the countless pleasantries and aid he extends to students and staff at DePauw.
"I think his position will be very hard to fill because Alan is excellent. In the morning he comes in and he speaks to everyone and he asks, ‘How are you?’ He does that everyday. He knows everyone, students as well,” Malayer said. “I think one of my favorite parts is that almost everyday he'll usually eat lunch at Hoover and he goes and he sits down and eats with students to hear what their issues are and what's going on."
JC Lopez, dean of student successes, was asked what doubts or worries he has about the university on this transition. He said, "Change is inevitable. We're going to feel change and transition for a little bit of time. I do feel the strategic plan is going to evolve for the university. So I think there's going to be changes across the board. But I don't think it's particular to [Hill’s area of expertise]."
Lopez commented on Hill’s work ethic and long history with Depauw. He said, "Alan's passion towards DePauw is unrivaled. He's truly through and through a DePauw tiger."
Student Reactions
Juliana Juarez, a senior, said Hill’s story as an undergrad is inspiring to students.
“He came to DePauw with a scholarship [and financial aid package] and the opportunity to compete for both the track and football team and I feel like a lot of students here can relate to that,” Juarez said. “Many of us are involved in sports, student orgs, greek life, etc., and there is a sense of pride that comes from that and I learned how much that can make a difference in someone's experience here like that of Alan Hill's.”
Sophomore Irene Amalaraj said she could always feel his positive energy wherever he went.
As Vice President of Advocacy for Timothy Global Health, Amalaraj said from Hill’s time at DePauw, “I learned how to be a leader and how to step up in the community and I think he had a bond with students that is hard to replicate.”
President White approved a search for the new Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students that is currently in progress, according to Hill.