DePauw faculty hit the gym with student trainers


Students take adavantage of the free weights in the Welch Fitness Center.

It’s 6 a.m. on a bitterly cold Thursday morning. Apart from a few early birds scattered throughout the gym, the Lily Center is completely deserted. One of those early birds is upstairs doing his weekday cardio routine on the treadmill. His name is Raj Bellani.

Bellani is one of the many faculty members who have been working out with student personal trainers. These personal trainers help design workout programs and advise what foods are lean and good for one’s health.

“It’s a little intimidating for me [with] the machines,” said Bellani, who has been working with a personal trainer for the past two years. “I needed someone to teach me what the tools were… a [trainer] can help you create more efficiency in your workout.”

Coordinator of Registrar Services Julie Reed agreed.

“I was intimidated by the new fitness center. It was just so big with lots of equipment and I’m just not the kind of person to figure things out on my own,” said Reed, who trains with freshman Maggie Rocha. “One time she had to miss and I was like, ‘Oh no, what am I going to do?’… Well I went, sort of did what we normally do, and I felt more comfortable being in the fitness center after having worked out with a lot of the machines and her showing me how to use them.”

Many of these students are trained by Asaundra Pickett, who serves as the Assistant Director of the Welch Fitness Center.

“What happens is I hire the student personal trainers,” said Pickett. “I’m very hands on with the trainers. I’m at their training sessions randomly, making sure they’re doing things properly, making sure they’re creating the right program.”

The program itself started when Pickett sent out an “email blast” to notify the faculty and staff that personal trainers were available.

“I email them a questionnaire,” said Pickett. “I just ask them their availability, their limitations, what their goals are, and then I pair them up with… who I feel will work well together.”

Raj Bellani hits the treadmill at 6 a.m.

As of now, the program has gotten up to 15 faculty and staff members working with a personal trainer.

“I think it’s been really good,” said athletic director Stevie Baker-Watson. “When we had the old facility, it wasn’t a great space… Now [with] this facility… you can work with anyone else, and you’re not on top of anyone else.”

French professor Marius Conceatu has taken full advantage of working with a trainer in the new space.

“I had a personal trainer last summer in Europe,” said Conceatu, who works with senior Laura Nahas. “The results were very good, so I decided to try that experience again… I need a tremendous amount of willpower to exercise, but I’ve found that I respond well to a trainer who motivates me and keeps me in check.”

But the faculty aren’t the only ones who have enjoyed their experience.

“I really enjoy getting to teach people something I’m passionate about,” said sophomore Abigail Braun, who currently works with three clients. “I love the challenge that comes from finding how to best connect with a client and setting up the right program for them.”

Although each faculty member began their routines at different times, they can agree that their time and effort have paid off.

“I feel much more energized,” said Bellani. “Getting up at five in the morning has become less of an issue. Clothes fit better. People say you look good, so that helps get that positive reinforcement.”

For more information on the personal trainer program, contact Pickett in her office right inside the gym at the Lily Center.