The deadline to file for CARES Act funding through DePauw University is 5:00 p.m, Monday, June 22. This is in order to meet the federal processing deadline of June 30, according to an email from the Financial Aid Office. Students who are eligible must file a W-9 with the Business Office.
In April, the CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Funds allocated $1,574,528 to DePauw University. Half of that, $787,264, must be distributed directly to students for “food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child care,” according to the Department of Education’s website.
However, students are not require to report their use of funds.
Payments will be based on need-level, determined by Expected Family Contribution from the 2019-2020 FASFA. An email from the Financial Aid Office (finaicialaid@depauw.edu) notified students who are eligible for the payment Thursday, June 18.
The Department of Education has noted that undocumented students, international students and recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, are ineligible.
Recipients may choose to receive payments through direct deposit or a check.
Students with questions about their eligibility should contact finaicialaid@depauw.edu. Similarly, students with questions regarding payment should contact businessoffice@depauw.edu.