Pre-professional students suffer from current course request system

As I anxiously refreshed my email for what seemed like the hundredth time on Monday, the long awaited message finally arrived: "Your Fall 2013...

Soaking in all that is uniquely DePauw

When I start to reflect on my four short years at DePauw, it is difficult to know where to begin. Looking back, I see...


Students weigh in the Adderall issue at DePauw

Plan B's age limit adds to teen pregnancy problem

This week a federal judge ordered the FDA to make Plan B One-Step, a brand of emergency contraceptive, available to women 15 and older...

Editorial board election a conflict of interest

Our editorial board is hired by a group of individuals known as the Publications Board. The student members of this board are appointed by...

Advice from a graduating senior

I've reflected on my time at DePauw and I've compiled a list of six important pieces of advice, listed in no particular order. As...

We support NBA's Jason Collins

Jason Collins is an NBA center. This season he played for the Boston Celtics and more recently for the Washington Wizards. Also, he is...

To avoid finals chaos, open classrooms

With DePauw's tuition recently surpassing the $50,000 benchmark, students here should have as many amenities available to them as possible. One of these courtesies...


Students weigh in on Code TEAL's effectiveness. 

Open access policies to allow the free flow of information

This past January, activist and world-renowned computer genius Aaron Swartz took his own life. Though his passing was mourned around the world, it particularly...