To DePauw students: pay attention to world news
All people seem to talk about lately is pop culture. I hear loads of information about celebrities, upcoming movies, popular books, the best songs,...
Attending DePauw kind of like winning the lottery
It seems like just yesterday I was among those lanyard-wearing, skinny people in South Quad who couldn't even fathom saying the horrid "S" word. Sadly,...
See what students have to say about the new dining services in the latest PhotOpinion.
Trend based reporting puts Syria backstage, Miley Cyrus out front
In the wake of the ongoing Miley Cyrus outbreak on social media and in news publications across the country we felt a need to...
First week at DePauw: a freshman's perspective
Although it's been about a week since first-years walked through the campus as part of the opening convocation, I think I can speak for...
Focus on Bon Apetit's food, not layout changes
It seems like every DePauw student's opinion of the new dining service is about the layout. But is this really what matters? Are we really...
Larry Summers as Fed Chairman? Seriously?
Let's pretend for a moment that President Barack Obama calls me because he wants the opinion of a senior economics major at DePauw University....
Lifeline Law only one step in the right direction
The recent death of Indiana University freshman Rachael Fiege should be a sobering experience for college students across the nation. Fiege fell down a flight...
Erodr glorifies campus party life
When I first got the notification that @erodr_depauw was following me on Twitter, I had no idea what it was. When I saw @TheDePauw...
It's our party, and we can cry if we want to,...
When a tabloid reports a scandalous story, one that may or may not be based on fact, it receives some attention, but is then...