A sophomoric comparison: freshman vs. sophomore year at DePauw
All sophomores are first-years in their own respects. Like first-years, we see the campus in an entirely different way than any other class. Sophomores...
After Manziel, system should be created to deter rule breaking
Following the dramatic conclusion of the Texas A&M vs. Alabama game Saturday, football shouldn't be the only thing discussed. The most polarizing figure in...
Shooting Washington Navy Yard in Washington D.C.
At least 13 people were shot and killed Monday by a gunman who opened fire at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington D.C.. That sentence...
Ron Paul's policy ideas a step in the right direction
Never in my life have I left a room feeling so inspired. Dr. Ron Paul is truly one of America's most inspirational people, especially to...
Editorial Board's attack on Paul puts words in his mouth
I attended DePauw University for two years in 2008-2010 and, as a former student, it is with great disappointment and embarrassment that I find myself forced...
Speaker programs should bring current decision makers to campus
The vacuous speech of Dr. Ron Paul arose from the institutionalization of professional speakers and endowed speakers' programs. An endowed speakers' program is required to...
Ron Paul editorial claims unwarranted and unfounded
As a recent graduate and former staff member of The DePauw, it's with deep disappointment that I feel compelled to submit this letter in...
Check out what some students have to say about the burgers that battled it out in Greencastle's Battle of the Burgers.
The benefits of 'B'students
On Tuesday, the US and World News ranked DePauw University at No. 54 on its top National Liberal Arts Colleges List, adding another satisfying...