LETTER: Committee on Academic Policy and Planning on multicultural requirement
DePauw’s course catalog states, ”A DePauw education asserts that developing a global perspective and an appreciation and tolerance for a more diverse society are...
EDITORIAL: The DePauw can act as a forum for multicultural debate
One semester after “The Movement” catapulted the issue of racial equality on DePauw University’s campus to the forefront, a second wave is hitting. ...
LETTER: DePauw's climate is what you make of it
While I won't presume to discount the personal experiences of students on DePauw's campus, I can certainly say that I am baffled at the...
LETTER: Covanta's response to "Covanta and the implications of sorted vs....
After reading Eleanor Prices’ op-ed about recycling, it’s clear that misperceptions still linger about Covanta’s energy-from-waste operations and the company’s plan to improve recycling...
OPINION: Conflict Kitchen — an example of how to respond to...
Last month, Prindle sponsored a visit from Conflict Kitchen, a restaurant in Pittsburgh that exclusively serves cuisine from countries in which that the United States...
EDITORIAL: Net neutrality threatens fast Internet speeds
Yesterday President Obama asked the Federal Communications Commission to place stricter rules on Internet regulations in support of net neutrality in a two-page statement...
OPINION: When science and legislation collide — the l'Aquila earthquake
Jackson Mote is a junior French l anguage major from Indianapolis. CHRISTA SCHRODEL / THE DEPAUW Yesterday, an Italian appeals court...
OPINION: Flower-ins and Title IX — a cause for change
Cara Bargiacchi is a political science and conflict studies major from Memphis, Tennessee. Flower-ins are a DePauw tradition, and there has...
OPINION: Composting—We can do it
Ashley Junger is a junior English literature and biology double major from St. Louis. Junger is also an Environmental Fellow. CHRISTA SCHRODEL / THE...
EDITORIAL: Feeding the homeless should not be a crime
On Monday, 90-year-old Arnold Abbott and two ministers in Fort Lauderdale, Florida were arrested for feeding the homeless. For each citation, violators of the...