OPINION: In defense of the unpalatable: Protection of hate speech
From The Prindle Post On Wednesday, Sept. 3, a group of fundamentalist Christians picketed the DePauw University campus, holding signs decrying the sins...
OPINION: To be, or not to be... passive
With the recent events over the past couple of weeks on our campus, a plethora of issues and concerns have been raised. Many valid...
Letter to the Editor
To the Editor: Thank you to the Office of Student Life staff members as well as faculty and students who worked extraordinarily...
Body cameras for Public Safety
Following the events of last Wednesday—which I assume we will continue to discuss until the fundamentalists return this week—the campus was struck...
Letter to the Editor
The corner between Bowman Park and the Student Union once held some of the best memories I had at the university that once was...
Letter to the Editor
Dear DePauw Community: I recently had the privilege of giving a talk as part of the “American Whiteness: Power and Pedagogy in the...
Letter to the Editor
After a week of visits, speeches and reflections, in a trip that even secular outlets have found numerous aspects to praise, the apparent...
EDITORIAL: Victims of sexual assault need action, not papal platitudes
Eakins Oval in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art was full of the faithful and of Jumbotron screens on Sunday—a merging of the...
Letter to the Editor:
A green dot: A single choice, in one moment in time, to use your voice, actions or choices to make your small corner of...
Letter to the Editor
During a meeting with Delta Zeta’s national leadership concerning their decision to deactivate specific members of the Delta Chapter based on sexist and racist...